Training Service Providers


Cost-Sharing Partnership.

For the first time ever in the TVET sector, PSDF initiated cost-sharing partnership with large companies across all sectors of the economy. Under this initiative, industry was mandated to share the cost of training with PSDF. This initiative is a giant leap for the TVET sector as it has always complained that the industry never spends money on skills trainings.

A business is also eligible to become a cost-sharing scheme partner with PSDF after it has engaged for trainings for a minimum of three rounds. Under the cost-sharing schemes, PSDF partners with large employers across sectors and sets a minimum employment commitment of 70% verified employment, thereby obligating businesses to employ trainees to receive payment.

Training Results.


Total Industry Partners


Total Number of Graduates 

0 %
Tracked Employment
0 %

Contract to Completion Ratio





Industry Contribution (2019-2020)

Partnerships with Industry For Skills Development.

Partner Companies.

How to work with us.

PSDF funds the training, uniforms and bags cost for the trainees and pays them a monthly stipend as an incentive to complete training.

Key Requirements:

  1. Minimum equity at-least PKR 100 million as per latest audited financial statements.

  2. Must have at-least 250 number of permanent employees.

  3. Must be a going concern entity & has current / future need to absorb PSDF’s funded trainees into agreed employment activities.

  4. Must be a profitable company for last three years.

If you are an organization and fulfill the below requirements then come and work with PSDF:

*NTN/FTN, proof of financial health, proof of legal status and guarantee of employment

Business Rules.