Our Partnership.
PSDF is working with GIZ- Programme Migration for Development (PME) as part of a special initiative introduced to promote self-employment opportunities for vulnerable groups e.g. persons with disability, minorities including the local population and returnees.
This specific intervention focuses on domestic tailoring and fashion designing leading to in-kind support. The skill enhancement measures are complemented with entrepreneurship & business start-up education. In addition, a virtual business development support module will be delivered for the target group to enable them for wage employment or establish their own businesses. Upon the successful completion of the training, beneficiaries will be provided with relevant equipment / toolkit to secure self-employment in the field of commercial cloth stitching or employment opportunities
Partnership with PSDF.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) signed a partnership agreement in December 2020, to initiate a research and development project in support of adolescent and youth education, skills development and job placement as part of the ‘Generation Unlimited’ partnership in Pakistan.
This agreement will help in researching, designing and pre-testing an accelerated and cost-effective ‘Non-Formal Education to Job Placement’ model to help improve the skills and employability of the most vulnerable and economically, socially disadvantaged adolescents and youth. It targets adolescents and young people who have never attended formal education or who dropped out of the formal education system without achieving primary school competencies, and who do not have access to education and economic opportunities.

Age Timeline